Das Line up für die Filmfestspiele in Cannes steht!

Die Filmfestspiele in Cannes glänzen auch in diesem Jahr mit großen Namen. Seit heute steht das Line up fest – mit dabei sind unter anderem Steven Soderbergh und sein Liberace-Biopic “Beyond the Candalabra” mit Michael Douglas und Matt Damon. Die Coen-Brüder stellen ihr Werk “Inside Llewyn Davis” mit Justin Timberlake und Carey Mulligan und Robert Polanski präsentiert “Venus in Fur”. Es wird aber noch weitere Stars geben, die sich der Festival-Sonne stellen. Mal sehen, mal sehen…

4 Gedanken zu “Das Line up für die Filmfestspiele in Cannes steht!

  1. Your video is so beautiful. It raelly touched me to the core. This video raelly needs to be out there I think the world population as a whole would raelly benefit from seeing something like this. Not only does it touch on bullying, but also about how fine a line racial division can be and how this line can sometimes stem from childhood issues. These issues can then be led to major self- esteem and self identity crisis’s.I’m from the US and one time when I was very little my family took a vacation to somewhere in the South and someone told my parents that it was wrong for them to get married because they were of different ethnic backgrounds. They lectured for awhile and wouldn’t leave us alone about it. I was a little kid at that point so I was kind of confused by the situation. Because I was so little, I didn’t raelly understand what happened. For awhile after that, I was embarrassed by my family and I thought something was wrong with us. Obviously as I got older, I realized that I should be proud of my family and who I am. Haters gonna hate! But let’s stay strong and proud! :)

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